Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Right Place At the Right Time

I just returned from a very busy few days in Colorado. Much, much happened. I am a member of a press association comprised of folks who write, edit, design and publish online and print magazines. The fact that the organization has 'evangelical' as the lead word in its moniker should not be construed to mean we have a connection with the National Association of Evangelicals. The Evangelical Press Association is a diverse and thoroughly professional group of thinking journalists who do not walk lock-step with any ideology or even each other.

I met many cerebral and artistic people who are genuinely thoughtful and well-rounded journalists. One such person is a published author who is on the board of a writers' conference which has been held in several locations in the southern US for many years. Cutting to the chase because I know I am losing you, she invited me to join the planning committee for the conference to be held in southeastern Tennessee in October. This would also mean that I would teach a workshop at that conference. I plan to write about the process. Stay tuned for those fascinating reads! Ha!

I saw Pike's Peak, which I might say should be renamed Majestic Peak, or Splendiferous Peak or OMG Peak or something that conveys more than an alliterative tribute to some long-dead wanderer. Any Zebulon Pike fans reading, I'm only joking. But it is so much more awesome than the name portends. Another place ol' Zeb discovered was the Royal Gorge, a thousand foot deep hole in the ground that has the world's highest suspension bridge traversing it. We went there on the day after the conference and had a great time. Sometime I'll tell you about falling flat on my face, but I have to screw up my courage to share that humiliating experience.

1 comment:

  1. You are hilarious! Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the trip and the conference. So glad I was able to experience it with you.
